Do Natural Health Solutions Work?

Natural Home Remedies Definitely Worth Considering

glass of water with fruitNatural healing remedies can relieve or even reverse symptoms of many common diseases. If you could use home cures to reverse symptoms of acid reflux or lower your blood pressure. Even improve brain health, asthma, depression, and  joint pain and a lot more would you do it?

Many thousands of people with various common diseases have real success stories using natural home remedies. I recently read that close to 75% of Americans have turned to natural medicine solutions that address the root cause of their health problems.

Natural affordable health options

There’s an abundance of excellent health solutions that are simple, natural, affordable and easily available.  Some items you may already have in your own kitchen. They can help with many of our daily health problems.

And whether you’re a believer or a doubter chances are you know of someone that has really benefited from natural alternative health options.

Make responsible lifestyle choices

People all around the world are having their everyday lives disrupted by their poor health. Often conditions that can be helped and often eliminated by making some responsible lifestyle changes.

When we know the problems and how to overcome them it’s up to us to take the initiative to do something about it.

Our environment also affects our health

We are being bombarded with toxins constantly and this is so detrimental to our health.  At the same time we also have a lot more access to information on ways that we can take better care of ourselves. It starts by making some lifestyle changes.

By now many of us are aware that what we take into our body affects us in positive or negative ways. It’s not just what we eat but also our environment at home and or in the workplace.

More sensitivities and allergies

This too has a big impact on our well being. There’s also more awareness of how specific products we have used are affecting us.  Some we are still using or that are being used around us. They are causing many of us even more sensitivities and allergies. We may not be able to control what others are doing but we can take more control with what we choose to do.

Taking steps to reduce toxins

Some establishments are taking steps to stop or reduce some of the toxins that cause or aggravate  sensitivities.  These include strong chemicals, smells and toxins from the places people frequent. No smoking zones are now common place and welcome by most.

The same is welcomed by allergy sufferers when they see signs saying “this is a perfume free zone”. They appear in some gyms, health care establishments, and other public places.  Overtime this also is sure to increase.

A lot of people don’t like it but still comply.  There are others just choose to ignore the requests even at the detriment to those that have negative reactions. Let’s be honest some smells linger way after the carrier has disappeared.

This can be a problem for many with sensitivities to perfume and other smells that can even linger on your clothing. Some perfumes are so overpowering that even without allergies its enough to bowl you over.

We now have more natural options available

The good news is there are so many more natural product alternatives available today than there were. More and more people are becoming aware and pay more attention to labels.  They want to know whats in the products they are buying.

There are still chemicals found in many cosmetics, deodorants, personal hygiene products, and cleaning products. Fortunately we can now choose from more natural options that have hit the market.

Toxins come at us from all directions, some things we cannot avoid as we don’t have the control.  But we can make a difference with choices we make and what we can control.

Prevent more serious health issues in later life

Lack of responsibility on our part could mean that our personal heath many end up suffering more serious problems as we age.

Why is this? Is it that we don’t trust our own instincts by paying attention to what our body really needs? It’s not just our physical but mental health too! Is it pure laziness that has us too quick to pass our health issues on to someone else hoping for a quick fix?

If you cut yourself you probably go get a band aid, that in itself doesn’t heal the wound.  It covers it up while the healing is happening naturally. So many prescribed and over the counter medications are just a band aid approach. They never get to the core of the issues.

They can also cause more problems as the use of medication often escalates. Once you start taking medication for one thing you often find you need another medication to counteract the symptoms caused by the original. You have to be so careful and should do your own research.

Give your body what it needs

It’s amazing what our bodies are capable of without much input from us. However what it does need and deserve are proper nutrients, fresh water, exercise, and adequate sleep.

Respect your body, respect your health, it should never be taken for granted, abused with bad habits and addictions. If you know there’s room for improvement keep in mind that it’s never too late to make changes. Is it really so difficult to give your body what it needs to thrive and stay healthier for you?

Natural vs conventional medicine

While you can’t beat nature in all its glory the reality is there could be times when we may need conventional medical care. Even those that are diligent and do their best to maintain optimum health can et sick. At some time or another we all may need conventional health care.

megnifying glass looking at healthThere’s a need for specialized treatments, or surgeries for diseases or problems that we have been unable to avoid. I think the bottom line is that there are many natural remedies that can prevent or delay bigger problems down the road.

Taking more responsibility for your own health and well being is a duty you have to yourself and those you love. Be totally honest with yourself, after all it’s your choice.  It’s your body, your life, and your responsibility.

Are you doing the best you can or do you have a list of excuses why you can’t do better?